TankTerminals.com and Hobbit imaging solutions Signed a Cooperation Agreement
TankTerminals.com and Hobbit Imaging Solutions signed a cooperation agreement with respect to the exclusive integration of Hobbit’s Vessel Clearance Guide software into TankTerminals.com’s database platform.
With the partnership of www.tankterminals.com and www.vesselclearance.com a combined platform is realized where customers can find all relevant terminal information. Besides general terminal information and storage availability from now on terminal customers can automatically complete a vessel clearance request. This partnership will help tank terminals to become the number one platform for terminal information and help terminals and its customers to work more efficiently.
A customer’s decision to discharge a vessel at a Terminal, depends on whether the vessel is able to perform the requested manipulation (i.e. load/discharge) at a terminal. Therefore vessels go through a vetting process each time they could be nominated, this is called a “Vessel Clearance Request”. For traders, the swiftness in receiving vetting feedback impacts the decision to make or leave a deal. By automating the vessel clearance process the clearance results are direct available, efficiency is increased, and mistakes are excluded.
HOBBIT IMAGING SOLUTIONS is a software company with over 20 years of experience in the field of software development and maintenance. HOBBIT has amongst others developed sophisticated Forensic software for the Dutch Police. We are specialized in designing and making intuitive and user-friendly software for complex problems and business processes. For more information please visit www.hobbit-is.nl.
TankTerminals.com is the world’s leading online platform & database for the tank storage industry. With more than 4,800 tank terminal facilities in 160+ countries, our customers can access with a few clicks more than 90 data labels per each terminal, such as technical parameters, historical development and managerial contact details, all in one place. For more information please visit www.tankterminals.com.